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Mila Clarke Buckley is a type 2 diabetes patient advocate and digital storyteller who started her food blog, “The Hangry Woman”, after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and struggling to find approachable resources to help her manage the chronic condition in 2016.

HangryWoman.com covers topics like diabetes management, cooking, travel, self-care and more from the perspective of someone living with type 2 diabetes.

Mila’s work has been featured by GE, Social Media Today, Travel Noire, Healthline, WebMD, Houston, Press, and Yahoo Lifestyle. She has also traveled the globe to talk about her life with type 2 diabetes. 

About the Blog:

Visit my media kit for a more in-depth look.


If you have any questions, please email me here. I look forward to hearing from you!


What I shoot with

Right now I shoot with a Nikon D7000 for my Photos, a Samsung NX3000 for my vlogs, and a mixture of my iPhone X + Moment when I’m on the go.

What you may and may not use

You may use a single recipe image from The Hangry Woman (and that doesn’t include making them into, or reshaping a collage) as long as it distinctly states that the project is by Hangry Woman, listed with proper photographer credit, linked back to the original project on the Hangry Woman website, and doesn’t include any recipe information, or instructional steps on creating the recipe.

You may not use photos from HangryWoman.com to share on Instagram or other social media as your own or bury credit in hashtags. You may not use images as promotional material with your own graphics, alter or combine multiple images into one, or use images to your own context that does not feature, relate, properly credit, and link to the original project and Hangry Woman as the content creator.

Sponsored Posts

I am sometimes approached by companies to write sponsored posts. I am open to those collaborative efforts, and I will always openly denote my collaborative partners by stating any compensation or gifts for in exchange for content.

Featured Content

I own the rights to all original content posted on the site, all other content will be credited appropriately to the best of my ability. If your content has been featured on HangryWoman and you would like it to be removed or edited, please contact me and it will be updated immediately. Likewise, you may not redistribute, sell, or use photos or written content from Hangry Woman unless you have been given individual permission.

Affiliate Links

Hangry Woman may contain paid advertising banners and some contextual affiliate links. An affiliate link means that we may receive a commission on sales of the products that are linked to in blog posts. Hangry Woman also contains selective sponsored content that is relevant to the editorial content on this site.

Informational Disclosure: 

I am not a doctor or nutrition professional and do not provide medical advice. Readers are advised to do their own research and make decisions in partnership with their healthcare provider. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition or are taking any medication, please consult your physician. Nothing you read here should be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or courses of treatment.

FDA Disclaimer: The advice & statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. Any information on this blog is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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